AA Report

By Korban



  1. Download and install ActivePerl 5.8.0 (or higher) from http://www.activestate.com/Products/Download/Download.plex?id=ActivePerl.
  2. Go to Start->ActivePerl->Perl Package Manager
  3. Type install poe
  4. Move IRC.pm to C:\perl\site\lib\POE\Component
  5. Rename Filter-IRC.pm and Filter-CTCP.pm to IRC.pm and CTCP.pm respectively and move them to C:\perl\site\lib\POE\Filter
  6. Move Run.pm to C:\perl\site\lib\POE\Wheel\ - replace all files
  7. Edit config.pl (with notepad for example) and set your IRC server, channel, bot name and various other options.


  1. Intall POE::Component::IRC and it's dependencies from CPAN (you can use perl -MCPAN -e shell)
  2. Move IRC.pm to /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/POE/Component
  3. Edit config.pl (with notepad for example) and set your IRC server, channel, bot name and various other options.

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